
How To Clean Diamond Earrings At Home Safely And Restore Its Sparkle 

By  Emily Konatella

LAST UPDATED - April 19, 2024

Sparkling diamond earrings are a beautiful accessory and a treasured possession. Over time, daily wear can lead to a dull buildup of grime and oils, diminishing their brilliance. However, the good news is that you can easily restore their shine with a few simple home cleaning methods. Whether it is your classic diamond stud earrings or other fine jewelry pieces, a little care can keep them sparkling brilliantly.

In this post, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of cleaning your beautiful diamond earrings at home using safe and effective techniques. With a few simple techniques and household items, you can bring back their brilliance and keep them looking as dazzling as the day you got them.

How To Clean Diamond Earrings

The Dish Soap Method

What You Will Need

Mild liquid soap or dish soap

Warm water

A soft-bristle toothbrush or a dedicated jewelry brush

A soft, lint-free cloth

A bowl

Step 1: Create a Cleaning Solution

To start, set up a small bowl on an even, flat surface. Fill it with warm water and add a few drops of gentle dish soap. Steer clear of harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning agents, as they may harm your diamond earrings.

Step 2: Soak the Earrings

Place your diamond earrings in the soapy water, ensuring they are fully submerged. Let them soak for about 10 to 15 minutes. This soaking duration effectively loosens any dirt, oils, or debris that may have accumulated on your diamond earrings.

Step 3: Gently Brush the Earrings

Following the soak, delicately brush the diamond earrings using a soft-bristle toothbrush or a jewelry-specific brush. Be sure to focus on areas situated behind the diamonds and around the settings, as these are common spots where dirt and grime collect. Be cautious not to use excessive force, as diamonds are durable but can still be scratched by abrasive materials.

Step 4: Rinse Thoroughly

Hold the diamond earrings under a stream of warm, running water to thoroughly rinse away any lingering soap residue. Using a sink with a drain stopper or a bowl is essential to prevent accidental loss down the drain. Make sure all soap is completely washed away during this step.

Step 5: Dry with Care

Gently pat the diamond earrings dry using a soft, lint-free cloth. Refrain from using paper towels or tissues, as they can deposit fibers that might adhere to the earrings or their settings. Ensure the diamond earrings are entirely dry before wearing or storing them.

Step 6: Optional Deep Cleaning (Occasional)

You can perform a deeper cleaning if your diamond earrings have stubborn stains or significant buildup. Prepare a solution by mixing one part ammonia with six parts water. Follow the same soaking, brushing, and rinsing steps as mentioned above. However, use ammonia sparingly and only on occasion, as it can be harsh on precious metals and may affect the appearance of your earrings over time.

Use A Jewelry Cleaning Kit

Step 1: Read the Instructions

Begin by thoroughly reviewing the instructions for the jewelry cleaning kit. Different kits may have specific guidelines and recommendations. Follow any specific guidelines or precautions mentioned.

Step 2: Prepare the Solution

Typically, jewelry cleaning kits include a cleaning solution. If the solution is concentrated, follow the instructions to dilute it appropriately with water. Some kits provide pre-mixed solutions.

Step 3: Soak the Earrings

Place your diamond earrings in a small bowl if not provided in the kit. Soak the earrings in the cleaning solution for the suggested duration, typically just a few minutes. This soaking will help loosen dirt, oils, and debris.

Step 4: Brush Gently

Utilize the brush from the jewelry cleaning kit or a soft toothbrush for delicate scrubbing of the earrings. Pay particular attention to areas behind the diamonds and around the settings where dirt tends to gather. Exercise care to prevent any potential scratching of the jewelry.

Step 5: Rinse Thoroughly

Hold the earrings under a stream of warm, running water to wash away any remnants of the cleaning solution. Ensure thorough rinsing to remove all traces of soap.

Step 6: Dry and Polish

Carefully pat the earrings dry with a lint-free, soft cloth. Gently polish them to bring out their sparkle. Be cautious to avoid using paper towels or tissues, as they can leave fibers that could adhere to the earrings or their settings.

How To Clean Diamond Earrings After Each Wear

To keep your diamond earrings clean and sparkly, you should clean them after each wear. It only takes a few minutes but can go a long way in maintaining their brilliance and overall appearance. It also helps in preventing any buildup that may require more intensive cleaning in the future.

For your daily cleaning routine, follow a similar process as you would for sterling silver earrings. Using a gentle dish soap, begin by filling a small bowl with warm, mild soapy water. Submerge the earrings in this solution for a few minutes to help loosen oils and debris. Next, employ a soft-bristle toothbrush or a dedicated jewelry brush to gently scrub the earrings, paying careful attention to crevices and areas behind the diamonds. Rinse them thoroughly under warm running water, ensuring no soap residue remains. Finally, delicately pat them dry with a soft, lint-free cloth before storing them in a jewelry box or pouch. This regular maintenance keeps your diamond earrings sparkling and obviates the need for more extensive cleaning.

What You Should Avoid Using To Clean Your Diamond Earrings


Bleach is a highly corrosive and powerful disinfectant. However, it is unsuitable for cleaning diamond earrings due to its caustic nature. Bleach can corrode or discolor the metal settings of the earrings, especially if they are made of gold or silver. It can also weaken the prongs that hold the diamonds in place, potentially leading to stone loss. Furthermore, bleach can react with the chemicals often found in cleaning agents, creating harmful fumes and posing health risks.


While ammonia can be used occasionally for deep cleaning, it should not be used as a regular cleaning agent for diamond jewelry. Prolonged or frequent exposure to ammonia can weaken certain metals, such as white gold, and may cause them to become brittle or discolored. Ammonia can also affect the appearance of diamonds by reducing their brilliance over time.


Acids like lemon juice or vinegar are acidic substances that should be avoided when cleaning diamond earrings. They can corrode and erode the metal settings, particularly if they are made of softer metals like gold. Additionally, acidic substances can dull the sparkle of diamonds by leaving behind a residue that diminishes their brilliance.

Abrasive Cleaners

Abrasive cleaners, along with abrasive cloths and scouring pads, should be avoided as they can scratch both the metal and the diamonds. Diamonds are exceptionally hard and durable, but they are not immune to scratches, especially on their facet surfaces. Abrasive materials can leave fine scratches on the diamond's surface, affecting its sparkle and brilliance.

Harsh Chemicals

Harsh chemicals, such as chlorine, are harmful to both the metal and diamonds in earrings. Chlorine can tarnish or weaken metals, especially silver, and may cause discoloration. Moreover, chlorine can corrode the prongs holding the diamonds, potentially leading to stone loss or damage.

Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner

Ultrasonic jewelry cleaners employ high-frequency sound waves to dislodge dirt and grime from jewelry. While they are generally safe for many types of jewelry, they may not be suitable for all diamonds or settings. For example, ultrasonic cleaning may not be recommended for diamonds with surface-reaching fractures or loose stones, as the vibrations can exacerbate existing issues.


Toothpaste contains abrasive particles, such as silica or baking soda, which are designed to help scrub away stains and plaque from teeth. While these abrasives are effective for dental use, they can be overly abrasive for delicate jewelry like diamond earrings. The abrasive particles can scratch the metal settings and the diamond itself, dulling its sparkle and brilliance.


When Should You Get Diamond Earrings Professionally Cleaned?

In addition to regular cleaning, consider having your diamond earrings professionally inspected at the same intervals. A jeweler can check the prongs and settings to ensure that the diamonds are secure and that there are no signs of damage or wear that may require maintenance.

If you wear your diamond earrings every day, especially in environments where they may come into contact with dirt, sweat, or cosmetics, it's a good idea to have them professionally cleaned every three to four months. This ensures they maintain their sparkle and brilliance.

When having your diamond earrings professionally cleaned, it's best to entrust the job to a reputable jeweler who specializes in diamond jewelry. They have the expertise and equipment to clean and inspect your earrings safely and effectively without risking damage to the stones or settings.

How can I prevent my diamond earrings from getting dirty quickly?

Remove your earrings before applying lotions, perfumes, or makeup, and avoid touching them with your fingers, as natural oils can dull their sparkle.

Can I clean diamond earrings with other gemstones or pearls?

Cleaning diamond earrings that are set with other gemstones or pearls requires special care. While diamonds are quite durable and can withstand various cleaning methods, other gemstones and pearls may be more delicate and sensitive to certain cleaning agents.

Can I wear diamond earrings while swimming or showering?

To preserve the long term beauty and durability of your diamond earrings, it is advisable to take them off before swimming, showering, or participating in water-related activities. Swimming pools and hot tubs frequently employ chlorine and other chemicals for water upkeep. These chemicals can interact with the metals in your earrings, particularly if they are crafted from gold or silver, potentially causing discoloration or tarnishing.

About the author

Emily is a fashion consultant, designer and creative director with more than 15 years experience creating, designing and developing clothing & jewelry. From managing pageant shows to turning concepts into actual designs, she has experience with almost all fabric types and jewelry designs and is in touch with the latest fashion trends.


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